
☆Wworks for bd-1,Birdy & Frog☆全世界最輕「SL後避震鈦彈簧120%」

全世界最輕SL後避震鈦彈簧120%03.jpg 全世界最輕SL後避震鈦彈簧120%01.jpg 全世界最輕SL後避震鈦彈簧120%02.jpg

全世界最輕鈦合金SL後避震彈簧, 適合所有 bd-1, Birdy 和 Frog 車型.
The lightest in the world Titanium SL rear spring desiged for all Birdy (bd-1) and Frog models.



有別於傳統線鋼彈簧, 超輕鈦彈簧不需烤漆或電鍍, 更耐腐蝕(不生鏽)、耐高溫、高強度、高彈性、無磁性、反映靈敏,  大多用在航空和衛星器材.
Much better physical performance than traditional steel springs, in terms of rustless, temperature, strength, elasticity, non-magnetism, and bouncing. Must used in aircrapfts and satellites.  No coating required.






依原廠優力膠(紅)彈性, 後鈦彈簧共有二種規格(two rates upgraded from factory rear RED PU) :

120%加強(Comfort Ride)舒適型 : 重66g, 網購價$2250

160%加強(Sports Ride)運動型: 重51g, 網購價$2390





**即日起,後彈簧皆附防磨防異音的後彈簧蓋(白色)和固定內座(黃色), 不單售**
Every rear spring comes with a dedicated pad (the white one shown on the photo) to reduce scratching noise and damages to the paint.  An internal PU mount is also included.


鳥車使用前150%+後120%鈦彈簧, 在坑洞街頭騎乘, 實際感受比一般全尺寸的雙避震登山車還舒適, 騎過"五線譜"或是小地磚路面, 手震大大減輕... 因為避震改善很多, 不用換車椅, 車騎久屁屁痛的問題也改善了.


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